Bingeing on Netflix

I daresay that I rarely binge on TV shows. I am able to stop halfway through an episode (or wait till the end) and continue with life, so to speak. It's very rare that a show is so captivating, so interesting, that I can go on watching and watching for hours. 

That is, until Downton Abbey. 

I know I am so late to watching Downton Abbey. The whole series started in 2010 and finished in 2015 - and I just started it in Oct 2021. 

I surprised myself by really really liking Downton Abbey! It's not the type of show that would attract me at all. It's not something I would watch. It's set in the past century, it's DRAMA (I much prefer light-hearted shows), and it is chock-full of scandals and backstabbing and melodrama (which I dislike). 


I absolutely love a show where most of the characters are in support of one another. I love a show where the top dogs support and watch out for the downtrodden and the people who work for them. There are one or two antagonists in the show - that's how the drama comes in - but otherwise, it is a show about the aristocrats living in harmony and respect with their servants. Ok, I'm sure a great many theses can be written about how it isn't that, but let me just enjoy this show for how it is on the surface! Not to mention the posh accents and funny witticisms. 

You will support most of the characters, not just the lead - very rare. You see the different character developments. There are so many story arcs but it's all somehow interconnected and resolved beautifully.

Maggie Smith is an absolute delight in Downton Abbey. Especially the way she laughs, "Oooooh-woo-hoo-hoo-hoo" 😆

So I've been bingeing on Downton Abbey the past week. I cannot wait to finish it so that I can get my life back. I'm just living in a dreamy British-accented fog of beautiful drop-waisted dresses and flowers. 


p/s: I hope not to find another binge-worthy show after Downton. One is quite enough. 


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