2-cents a week: Breakfast #1

When I started working, I started skipping breakfast. There were a lot of reasons (read: excuses) why. Sleep is precious and I value that more than I value breakfast. I did not feel comfortable eating breakfast at the table in my first job while the rest of my colleagues worked and had breakfasted prior. So I skipped it. In addition, I thought that by doing that I would be thinner simply because I am eating one meal less. How wrong I was. I would simply “compensate” for that skipped breakfast with a heavier lunch because I was so, so hungry. Instead of losing weight, I gained. It was depressing.

Skipping breakfast took some getting used to. When I was a student, I had breakfast every single day before going to school. Hence, when I started missing it, my hunger pangs were unbearable. I could hear my stomach rumblings echoing throughout the office. It was embarrassing. I remember resorting to drinking water to fill up my stomach and tricking my brain into thinking I am satiated. Not only did it not work, I have to make frequent trips to the toilet and pantry to relieve myself and fill up my bottle (respectively please). Then my stomach got used to it and for quite a while my stomach did not rumble as much. I was relieved. Nevertheless, fat I still am.

It actually took a while for me to believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Countless articles and talking to people convinced me of that. The phrase, “Eat like a king for breakfast, like a commoner for lunch, and like a pauper for dinner” stuck with me. By then, I had already changed jobs and am working in an environment more accepting to eating-at-the-work-table.  I still slept in and woke with just enough time to shower, dress and drink a glass of water before heading out the door. However, I will buy breakfast and feast while clearing my emails.

Of course there are still days when I skip breakfast. Not by design. It happens more often during the weekends, when I wake up late and the first meal is brunch or lunch. Or when I have an early meeting at work and there is no time to eat.

I know you are interested to know if I lost any weight. I do not think I did (it is not like I conscientiously weigh myself every day). On the other hand, I do not believe that I have gained weight by eating breakfast.  I did gain weight but I think it is more an issue of being overly sedentary and no exercise.

Now, I enjoy, and actually cherish, the first meal of my day. 


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