Working from Home

So... the COVID-19 situation has taken me out of the office and placed me at home to work. I've always dreamt about working at home ever since... I started working. I thought it will be cool, chill, fun, easy.

Now the time has come for me to work at home and I... did not embrace it at all. In fact I was whining like a little bitch about how I miss my colleagues (which I really do) and how lunchtime is a pain because now (1) I don't have a selection of stalls to choose ready-made food and (2) I have to prepare my own lunch, which is time-consuming. I also really really miss the air-conditioning because it is so warm, humid and stuffy in my tiny room that I share with my sister. Yes, I have extra body heat next to me.

On day 2 of my work from home situation and I am slowly growing stir-crazy. By 5pm I was in a foul mood, my neck had a crick, my shoulders stiff, and my eyes could barely open nor close (they were in a semi-permanent squint). I WAS TIRED, even more tired then when I had to go into office to work (which makes me realise how blessed I am to have a comfortable office space to work in). Now that I was a deranged haggard office lady at home, I had to go out to get some fresh air in the nearby park - which did me wonders.

Day 3 my mood was even worst. I was positively stewing in my perspiration and unhappiness. My eyes were even smaller and my body has aged four times. I am being dramatic but I do feel that some personal boundary has been crossed here. I began to resent having to work at home. Home is my sanctuary, the place where I take a break from work and hide from the craziness of the world. It is where I unwind and breathe (and fart) freely. Now work has invaded my sanctuary and although I can still fart freely, it isn't the same when I am tackling tasks and firing answers back to inane emails. These are angry tense farts, bombs let go in a fit of stress. It's very different from carefree farts released with a loud snicker just to annoy my siblings. URGH.

My personal and professional lines are crossed! My personal and professional lives are now intertwined!

Now the weekend is here, but I don't feel relief or happier because... I'll still be at home in my tainted not-so-personal sanctuary and wondering when can I fart normally again.

Edit: In retrospect I am being a bitch for complaining. I should be thankful that I still have a job, whether I'm working from home or office. I pray for the pandemic to stop and for normalcy to resume. These are hard times and we should be thankful for what we do have. Stay safe ya'll. 


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