2015: A Review

I did a lot of maturing this year. Not in terms of age (yes, well hullo big 3!), but emotionally and mentally. To celebrate my third decade of living, I embarked on two trips this year. Two trips and some unexpected events along the way have all but taken a toll on my leave.

Although my postings this year lacked on the travel aspect, I have travelled, twice, but have otherwise been too preoccupied or lazy to post anything. Maybe, just maybe, I will find the motivation to post something on my trips when my wanderlust acts up and I need a reminder or filler or something. Just know that I really enjoyed both my trips and have made some self-discoveries. A word of advice learnt from both trips, “Never set expectations when travelling”. I wish I could put it in a more lyrical way, but there is no better way to say it. I have itineraries for the trips, but no expectations. Of course for my trip to Japan I do have some “must-do” (onsen – hot spring bath), “must-see” (Studio Ghibli Museum) and “must-eat” (hors…er… ramen!), but I did not really set any expectations. This makes the trips so much more enjoyable. Go with the flow ya know~.

Oh, another word of advice, “Travelling can make or break friendships”. I cannot advise further on this because you really have to experience it to know who you can or cannot travel with.

Early this year Mr Lee Kuan Yew has passed on. His contributions to Singapore are innumerable, his devotion unquestioned. Swiftly after his departure, questions emerged on how Singapore will survive without his wisdom and leadership, and uncertainties on a government without Mr Lee surfaced. I am certain and confident that Singapore will continue to progress and flourish without him. One of his legacies is that he made sure that Singapore will grow without him.

I have also been through two personal losses. Both my grandfathers passed away in the later part of 2015. It is worth noting that they passed on about two weeks of each other. I will not say too much on this. Feel free to read my reflections in “Departures”.

My mother has also brought to my attention, on purpose I must add, that I did not do any baking this year. Not to make any excuses but I am keeping the family healthy. No butter-laden sugar-filled confectionaries this year! I must clarify that I have not lost interest in baking. I simply have decided not to invest any time on it this year. I have too many interests to explore and things to try. Hence, this year, I cut out on superfluous interests and ‘hobbies’ to refocus on things that are really important to me, namely: self-discovery, travelling, writing, and rediscovering God. I will still bake, but only when the mood strikes.  

The urge, or should I say, the idea to rediscover God was hatched by accident. It came about when, during lunch, one of my colleague was surprised (actually surprised!) to find out that I am Christian. It was not a large reaction, but large enough to jolt something in me. It was very telling, that my actions do not reflect my beliefs. It was a wake-up call, but not enough for me to put it into action immediately (that means no church on the immediate Sunday). The idea brewed on and on with no tangible action. The push came, surprisingly (I am truly surprised), by my father, who, after attending two wakes and two funerals, suddenly decided that he wants to attend church. I happily agreed, finally seeing some fruition to my beyond-brewed idea. So far we have been keeping up with Sunday service for about two months. We have not done the socializing bit in church yet (which I prefer) or participated in any cell groups (which I also prefer) because I am averse to the idea of cell groups. I fully understand their function and purpose, but I always found it a terrible idea. It is awkward and weird to share personal stuff with strangers. I feel like it is a violation of my privacy. One step at a time I suppose.

Anyhow, this is my review for 2015. Nothing huge happened but every little thing that happened has impacted me in some ways. It will, however, be an unforgettable year.

My funny-looking weedy plant says:

So random I know.


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