Thoughts on… not being that big a film buff

My younger sister got a (rude) shock when I admitted one Sunday that I have not watched Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away before. Well, not admitted. I just plainly stated that I have not watched it before. It is not so much a sheepish admission but a blatant statement.

And she went, “You of all people! NOT. WATCHED. SPIRITED. AWAY?!?!” (or something along those lines). She claimed that she has watched it countless times. I doubted it. I share a room with her so I should know.

I shrugged and said that I did want to watch it but one thing led to another and somehow I ended up not watching it. It was not like I was shunning the film on purpose (heard that Taken? I shun you and your franchise!). I know it is one of Hayao Miyazaki’s greatest works, and I really really do want to watch it. I the director, I know the studio it came from, and I even listened to the whole soundtrack by Joe Hisaishi (totally awesome).

So that very Sunday I sat my ass down in front of the television, spurred on by that damning reaction, and watched the film. With said sister. And younger brother who has also watched it. And the youngest brother who have not. I included him in just so that it evens out the number of people in my household who have and have not watched it (2:2 – parents not included).  

I enjoyed every single minute of it. I teared up at the touching parts, I laughed at others (did you see the way she ran down the stairs?!) and I fell in love with Haku, the androgynous-looking river spirit who lost his name (my prince charming~). I can finally place the soundtrack to the scenes. How lovely it all fuses together. I also learnt, from the film, that you can conquer anything with a little bit of courage and plenty of earnest trying.

I am always surprised when friends or family are surprised to discover that I have not watched one film or the other. I wonder who is more surprised. Me or them?

I understand where their surprise came from, what with an English lit background, my love for plays and musicals, and a future cultural medallion award waiting for me; it is only natural that they would associate me with being a cultured film buff.

I do admit to being a bit of a film buff, but not a cultured one.

I don’t watch art-house movies just because. I watch them because I think the plot is interesting, the topic explored is gripping, the director is well known, the cast have actors I like, and it has won or is touted to win some award. Yes, I tend to favour directors and actors whose works or names I know.

I also rarely sought old movies to watch unless one of the movie channels were showing them (HBO, Cinemax, etc.) or were recommended by a friend.
To be frank, film buff or not, movies rarely leave deep impressions on me. I only remember bits and pieces of scenes, sometimes not even the plot. Only certain movies can leave very deep impressions, emblazoned into my mind never to be erased.

Take for example, 300. I remember that movie very well, almost every scene, because of its extraordinary CGI effects (that luscious deep red CGI-ed blood splashing), the hyper-cool fighting sequences (simply revolutionary!), a very macho and sexed up Gerard Butler, and the flagrant displays of abs and tits, all set in a mythical world. It is like the pre-cursor to Game of Thrones (nope, have not watched it as well).

When decided what movies to watch, especially if I have to pay for it, I favour blockbusters (IMAX 3D FTW!), chick-flicks, and comedies. Yes, I like fluffy light-hearted stuff. I don’t enjoy crying in the cinema, all that sniffling and covert wiping of tears, the trying-to-be-inconspicuous groping around the bag to look for the damn packet of tissues. Then because I cannot blow my blocked nose in the cinema (cinema etiquette people!), I have to breathe through my mouth, dispersing my popcorn/nacho cheesy breath to all near and dear. It is painful. I usually keep heavy-going weepy movies for home viewing, where I can cry as loud as I want while blabbering to no one in particular the injustices of the world.

Now to shock you more, below is a list of movies and shows that I have not watched:

The Breakfast Club (to the chagrin of my friend)
Game of Thrones series
F.R.I.E.N.D.S series (big gasp!) – can anyone tell me why the title is spelt as separate alphabets?
Donnie Darko(apparently a very good movie)
A few of Quentin Taratino’s movies like Pulp Fiction, the Kill Bill franchise, etc. …
… and many more. It is an unending list.

However to redeem myself a little, here are some films that I have watched:

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (both the stage play and the 1975 movie)
A Clockwork Orange (in its full ultra-violent gut-twisting uncut glory… and no… not illegally obtained but was legally screened at The Art House)
Fight Club (no one speaks about Fight Club ya hear me)
Harry Potter (but I have not read a single book of it – shocker!)
Ridley Scott’s Alien (Sigourney Weaver kicks ass)
The Ring (Jap version)
Zhang Yimou’s Raise the Red Lantern (featuring a very young and fresh-faced Gong Li)
… and many more. It is also an unending list.

Really, it will never be enough. I will never have watched enough movies or the right movies to be a credible film buff. There isn’t just enough time and resources! 


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