Thoughts on… local music

Recently I have a new music passion – home-grown local artistes. They are amazing. They are the freaking real deal. The bees’ knees.

No, I am not referring to Stefanie Sun or JJ Lin.

I must admit that I wasn’t into the local music scene at all. The only local band that I listen to (sort of) is The Great Spy Experiment, and even so, it was minimal listening. No buying of their albums, no attending their performances (although I did watch them once at the Esplanade – a free outdoor concert). Then it was a dry and barren period of local music for me.

Recently there seemed to be renewed interest in the local music scene. Articles and YouTube videos of local singers/bands were bandied about the Worldwide Web. Alas, I did not pay attention to them, till I attended the Singapore Jazz Festival last year. Charlie Lim performed and he blew me away. I created a playlist for him on Spotify. Then out of curiosity I tried listening to Gentle Bones as well. Hooked. Totally hooked. Then I was slowly lulled into the laidback sounds of The Sam Willows. Now the playlist have expanded to include other local musicians. 

I feel that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship. 

And this is the song that caught my attention, "Bitter" by Charlie Lim.


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