The Importance of Punctuation

I am sure you would have known of the importance of punctuation. How one less comma could change the meaning of a sentence entirely and cause ten million people to die. Yes, I am exaggerating, but only to show you how important punctuation is.

It is so important that it has spawned books that look into the importance of punctuation. One such book that I have read is Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation written by Lynne Truss. I have read it years ago and have forgotten most of it. What I have not forgotten though, is the message, punctuation is IMPORTANT.

Nowadays, however, the importance of punctuation has been taken to another level. Recently I had the pleasure (yes, pleasure, because I did enjoy reading it and I hope you will too~) of reading an article in The New York Times titled “When Your Punctuation Says It All(!)”. Yup, one more commentary to add to the arsenal. But this article showcases an importance of a different kind.

With the arrival of internet and email and instant messaging and internet chat rooms, we all know that communication has evolved. Then it further evolved with mobile phones and SMSs (how passé), which led to data for smartphones which kick started applications like Whatsapp and LINE and so on and so forth. Therefore, language has also changed along with these evolvements, which means that punctuation has taken on a whole new level of importance.

As the article has so glibly articulated, if you have bothered to read it, punctuation now has transcend words (as in usually they only give emphases and meanings to the words or sentences they are attached to) to now convey meanings and emotions on its own. Example, nowadays I see comments like this, “!!!” left on Facebook. I know what it means. I am sure you that what it means. Are there words preceding the triple dose of exclamation marks? No. But, together with context, we all know what those three exclamation marks put together side-by-side mean. And there is plenty of emoting that punctuations do nowadays. PLENTY.

For example (do note that these are drawn from my personal observations):
1.      The meaning of a period/full stop at the end of a simple Whatsapp message and the usage of capital letters.
Friend #1: Hey I’ll be quite late
Friend #2: Ok.
Friend #1: Hey not too late k… just a little late… don’t be mad
Friend #2: ok
It does seem that the second “ok” without the capital “O” and minus the period convey a softer and less aggressive tone amirite?
2.      The quintessential ellipses (plural) as seen in the example in point 1.
What does an ellipsis do? Used in academic papers, it indicates an “intentional omission of a word, sentence or whole section” of text. In the current communication landscape? When used in a sentence, it is to soften a conversation, to show afterthought, or to imply indecision (depends on the context). But when used alone, as in “…”, it is to denote incredulity in the face of stupidity/idiocy (in line with this pictogram -_-“’).
Friend #1: I read that Zayn Malik from 1D will be teaching at Singapore Poly! I want to study in SP!
Friend #2: …
3.      The triple exclamation marks.
As I have mentioned before, the “!!!” signifies a stupendous amount of thrill/astonishment/anger/fear/shock. It can be seen in both a positive or negative light.
Friend #1: I just saw a perv stare at me while I walked past!
Friend #2: !!!
Another example:
Friend #1: I just saw Zayn Malik from 1D at Singapore Poly!
Friend #2: !!!
I will leave you to interpret if the reaction, “!!!”, in the second example is positive or negative.
4.      The hash tag.
However, there is one interesting thing that I noticed about the hash tag. I believe it originated from Twitter as a way to tag tweets within the designated 140 characters. Now, it has transcended Twitter to go beyond the internet and computers/phones and is now part of people’s lingo/speech. Recently I heard a speaker, who was (aptly) teaching photography in social media, peppering his speech with the phrase “just saying”, which came from #justsaying. I did a Google search for the meaning for #justsaying and this is what I got:

5.      The tilde.
You have no idea what tilde is right? It’s this ~ symbol. Yeah, now you learnt something. I am glad. Here is a Buzzfeed article on the tilde and its uses; it is quite an interesting read. I used to use the tilde quite often in my Facebook posts, because it adds a femininely cutesy edge to my posts. Then I got older and the tilde got younger (it seemed childish after a while) and I dropped it. Then I saw a drop in its appearance online as well, so eventually it seemed like it was not used anymore.
Recently, I have seen a resurgence of the tilde, but not used in the way the article explains. Personally I use the tilde to indicate singing and lyrics. E.g., “~blah blah blah… ~love hurts”.
Most notably though, I see it in one of my friend’s messaging style. Almost every sentence is punctuated with it, which goes against what I thought I knew about that friend. Maybe my friend just wanted to sound friendly, I cannot be sure.
Till now, the tilde and its significance remains a mystery to me.

But see? That is the thing about the tildes (and by extension, punctuation); there are no absolute meaning and significance. It is how one reads into it and is very context dependent. It is also dependent on the user. You really have to know the user to know what the punctuation means. Of course there are universal punctuations that are understood by all, like triple exclamation marks and ellipses. But for others, the meaning must be inferred.

In future, punctuation will be another field of study in linguistics and literature. I can already see it.


#english #linguistics #swag #justsaying

*drops microphone on floor*


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