
I am back!

I have been back since last Tuesday but could not find the time or energy to write a post. But fret not. I will write about my South Korean voyage in the next few posts filled with delectable pictures (or what I hope are delectable pictures to you) and my personal thoughts on the trip.

Upon returning to Singapore, on board the wonderful SIA flight, I was suddenly gripped with fear. No, not of the plane crashing kind, though on the return flight we experienced more turbulence than usual. I was gripped with the fear of returning to my average life. Of returning to the routines and rituals of the everyday that I wanted to escape from. Somewhere among that fear lurks a certain sense of weariness, of the kind that says, with a hunched over posture, a resignedly hung head and a deep resonant sigh, "I am tired of it all".

I supposed I must have missed my purpose of the trip. I am supposed to return re-energised and with renewed vigour for life. What happened I wonder? The trip went well, quite smoothly I will admit, considering that there are six people to cater to. I had fun, I experienced new things, done a lot of shopping which I did not regret (surprisingly), created new memories, saw new sights and made new friends (no, none of them Korean). Even considering the long tiring walks, the freezing cold, the food poisoning (not me) and the little disagreements along the trip, I thoroughly enjoyed myself on this one.

So why am I not happy to return to my life?
Is it the knowledge that I will be returning to the same old same old?
The same job, the same people, the same things?
A return to the ordinary after experiencing the extraordinary of the new and never-seen-before?
A return to the familiar after seeing the unfamiliar?

Although I was excited to see my family, sleep on my bed, bathe in the comforts of my toilet, wear only one layer of clothing and meet up with all my friends, I could not help but feel incredibly sad. As if somehow, I have left my heart back in South Korea. I wonder if that is what everyone feels after a great holiday.

Have you felt like this after an enjoyable holiday?

But no matter what, do keep a lookout for posts on my South Korean voyage!


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